Digital-First Engagement: Transforming Customer Support

With a wide range of digital channels at their fingertips, customers now expect quick, convenient, and personalised support experiences. To meet these expectations, businesses need to adopt customer engagement strategies that prioritise digital channels…

Knowledge Management: 5 Of The Best Knowledge Base Examples

We’ve seen a shift in customer expectations in the last decade. Customers now want to solve their problems themselves, and they gravitate towards the companies who enable this by building a knowledge base (KB)…

Reducing travel anxiety using slam technology

The potential of slam technology to improve accessibility and reduce travel anxiety for disabled people is undoubtedly significant…

Conversational AI: 4 Use Cases In Banking

As the world loses it’s head over ChatGPT, now is the time to re-open the discussion around how the banking sector can optimise processes and provide better customer service using conversation AI…

Intelligent Self-Service Can Help Insurers Retain Customers

Insurers need good customer retention rates more than ever. Learn how intelligent customer self-service can help you.

What Is Intelligent Self-Service?

You likely know all about customer self-service, but do you know what Intelligent Self-Service is?

The positive impact of AI for insurance companies

AI and machine learning is helping insurers gain an edge over competitors. Find out about the positive impact.

6 VR Companies to Watch in 2023

With more and more VR companies appearing, businesses have to find new and innovative ways to develop immersive solutions for consumers. But who should you watch out for?

Augmented Reality in Retail: How AR Boosts Foot Traffic

Augmented reality in retail can transform customer experiences and therefore increase brand traffic. But how does it do this and why is it so important?

The Growth Engine: Getting Ahead of Evolving Customer Experience

Technology is now virtually accessible to all and has handed customers unprecedented power. They now dictate the rules in interacting with the brands they buy from.

And as digitalisation disrupts more businesses, those customers are increasingly seeking out the immediacy, personalisation and convenience of seamless digital customer experiences…